Colder spring conditions causing delays in home gardens

Colder spring conditions causing delays in home gardens

The colder and wetter spring weather seems to be deterring gardeners, putting a strain on local garden centres.

According to the Wildwood Outdoor Living Centre, there have been fewer customers walking through the centre doors this year compared to previous springs.

“We are probably down 20 per cent of what it would normally be and we are set back about three weeks to a month of where we would normally be,” said Gord Nickel, owner of Wildwood Outdoor Living Centre.

Nickel said even though the weather isn’t the most desirable to be in, it’s perfect gardening weather.

“Things that are flowering actually flower longer with this cooler weather,” he said.

According to Nickel, the only plants that aren’t handling the weather well right now are ones like annuals and tomatoes, but shrubs are thriving.

Bulbs in the ground could also be suffering from some rot as the ground is still fairly damp.

“Because we have had a lot of water and cool weather, it’s great for plants to rot if they are not well established or more soft, succulent type plants,” Nickel said. “So watching the water is a big thing, but really patience is what it’s all about.”

He added gardeners who are wondering when baskets will bloom or trees will leaf need to give the plants a little more time to grow and the weather a little more time to heat up.

Some community-style gardens don’t seem to be dealing with the same issues.

Cherie Miltimore, site manager at Abkhazi Garden, said the garden grounds are well established, meaning there are little to no blooming delays because of the cold.

“The flowers seem to listen a lot to the sun and the light.” Miltimore said. “So sometimes you think maybe it’s not coming along, but then you look and they are coming along as they’re usually expected.”

The weather doesn’t seem to be keeping visitors away either, as approximately 100 people walked through the garden gates on Wednesday alone.

“On days it’s not really windy and rainy, but is more iffy, like [Thursday] the weather didn’t weather didn’t look good but I’ve got lots of people coming through the gates so it’s been really good,” Miltimore said.

Adding she is excited for more sun and warmth to arrive.

According to Environment Canada, temperatures are expected to warm up to 15 degrees by Sunday, but the rain is expected to persist into next week.

READ MORE: Vancouver Island spring expected to have unpredictable weather patterns

Mackenzie ReadMackenzie Read

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