Sisters separated for 40 years reunited by CHEK News viewers

Sisters separated for 40 years reunited by CHEK News viewers
WatchA Nanaimo woman is overjoyed and grateful that her 40 year search for her sister has finally ended, just hours after CHEK News aired her appeal for help. A viewer connected the two after seeing our story, and now as Skye Ryan reports the sisters who were separated as little girls have been catching up ever since.

Carmen Larsen trembled when she saw her baby sister by video chat at least for the first time in 40 years.

“It’s a dream come true. It’s an absolute dream come true,” said Carmen Larsen on Monday,  proudly showing her sister on her phone.

“This is my sister Nina. I’m vibrating inside, I’m emotional. I’m just super, super happy.”

On Sunday night, the Nanaimo woman appealed over CHEK News for help finding her long lost sister Nina Marie.

Carmen was eight and Nina was just three when their parents broke up and Nina was taken away. The child was later put in foster care and adopted, and the two never saw each other again.

“[I was] always wondering how she is and if she’s okay,” said Larsen.

Within hours of the story airing, our viewers made the link across Canada and the U.S. They found Star Nina Medd, who now lives in Fresno, Calif.

“They sent it to me and I messaged her and we’ve hooked up,” said Larsen, smiling.

“Then she showed me that picture from when I was six years old,” said Star Nina Medd.

“And I’m like okay yeah that’s me and then we connected. And the rest is history.

Fifty-two-year-old Medd, who was adopted in Vancouver and then moved to California with her new family, said she had also been looking for her birth family. Remarkably, she never remembered her big sister, Carmen she was contacted by her.

“It’s amazing,” said Medd.

“I don’t know how to feel. It’s surreal.

The two sisters plan to reunite this summer in Washington State where they’ll catch up on their 40 years apart and make plans not to miss the next 40 years to come.

Skye RyanSkye Ryan

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