Race to Alaska now underway in Salish Sea

Race to Alaska now underway in Salish Sea
Watch The Race to Alaska is now underway in the Salish Sea. We spoke with some participants about the experience as they stopped in Victoria.

The Race to Alaska is now underway in the Salish Sea.

Many participants have just finished stage one (from Port Townsend to Victoria) and will begin stage two (from Victoria to Ketchikan, Alaska) on Thursday, June 6 at noon.

In total, the race covers more than 1,200 km.

No motors are allowed on the boats.

“I think the true objective is to come away from the race with a great adventure experience and if we do well and we win, it’s the cherry on top,” said Matt Pislow, a participant from Ludlow, Wash.

“I’m 77 and I had triple bypass surgery about six months ago,” said participant Bruce Cutting. “The first check off on the list is if you’re crazy, and if you’re not, they don’t let you in.”

The winner gets $10,000 and the runner-up wins a pair of steak knives.

“[I’m] looking forward to being out in nature, being with these amazing women,” said Jeanne Goussev, a member of last year’s winning team. “We’re an all-female crew. The dynamic on our boat is fantastic, and so we’re going to have a lot of fun.”

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