Shorts weather is here! Double digit temperatures expected all week throughout Vancouver Island

Shorts weather is here! Double digit temperatures expected all week throughout Vancouver Island

WATCH: Spring doesn’t officially begin until Wednesday. But Sunday, you might’ve thought it’s already begun. That’s because temperatures hit double digits on parts of the Island. As Luisa Alvarez tells us, the warmth is here to stay and may even break records. 

The sun was out and shining Sunday glistening on the water at the shores of the Esquimalt Lagoon. It was a perfect day to sit back on the beach listening to the waves, sip a cold drink and read.

“It’s great to finally see some great summer weather after that cold snap we just had, ” said one beach goer.

Some took the arrival of the double-digit temperatures as the opportunity to get the shorts out of storage. Others decided to finally get their hands dirty, because there’s no fun in the sun without sand castles.

“This is true Victoria right we got the snowy mountains we got the beach the sun shining it’s great”

It feels like Spring has finally sprung in Victoria, Nanaimo, and the province.

“All across BC and the Yukon like we are about 5 or 10 degrees above normal this week,” said Meteorologist with Environment Canada, Jennifer Hay.

And with temperatures expected to reach the high teens this records could be broken.

“All of those records are somewhat in the range within a degree or so so the potential is definitely there to break some records,” said Hay.

And the warmth is here to stay.

” Looks like its warm definitely looking at the ten-day forecast and then we are getting into late March and early April so our chances of snow or cold temperatures are decreasing,” said Hay.

With only a chance of showers by the end of the week.

Luisa AlvarezLuisa Alvarez

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