Overflow parking in effect at Victoria airport as holiday travellers pack parking lots

Overflow parking in effect at Victoria airport as holiday travellers pack parking lots

The Victoria Airport Authority advising travellers the regular parking area is full and overflow parking is in use. Photo courtesy Google.

The Victoria Airport Authority advising travellers the regular parking area is full and overflow parking is in use. Photo courtesy Google.

Officials at the Victoria International Airport are reminding holiday travellers that the regular parking lot is now full.

The Victoria Airport Authority first put out a notice that the regular parking areas were full on Dec. 21. They tweeted another advisory on Christmas Eve.

Drivers who want to park at the airport are asked to follow the directions of parking attendants who will direct drivers to pre-pay for the length of their parking stay at the exit booth of the daily lot. After they pay, drivers will be directed to an overflow parking area.

A courtesy shuttle bus will be making frequent loops of the overflow parking lots to bring passengers to the terminal building.

Until Jan. 7 at 1 a.m., a shuttle will be available to return people to their vehicles in the overflow parking lots.

The shuttle will be located across from Arrivals in the short-term lot. Between Jan. 7, 2019 1 a.m. and Jan. 21, 2019 1 a.m., complimentary cab service will be available to return travellers to their vehicle. Taxi vouchers will be available at the Red Coat Information Desk or at the Robbins Parking Booth.


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