Masks required in City of Victoria facilities, Comox Valley encouraging use in local government buildings

Masks required in City of Victoria facilities, Comox Valley encouraging use in local government buildings

In an effort to limit the spread of COVID-19, the City of Victoria is requiring face masks in its facilities and Comox Valley local governments are encouraging mask use in their own buildings.


As of Nov. 2, anyone entering a City of Victoria building is expected to wear a face covering. This includes entering City Hall, public washrooms, and parkade elevators and indoor stairwells.

“We continue to clean frequently and do all we can to reduce the risk of transmission of COVID-19,” the city said in a release.

Comox Valley

The Comox Valley local governments, which include Comox Valley Regional District, City of Courtenay, Town of Comox and Village of Cumberland, are advising residents masks will be encouraged in all facilities to help limit COVID-19 transmission.

This includes all open local government facilities including recreation centres.

Masks will not be required to be worn while participating in physical activities on the ice, in the fitness centre, in the pool or during physical activity. However, masks are encouraged to be worn while entering and exiting all centres and in areas such as hallways and common areas.

The Comox Valley Regional District says the addition of masks is to supplement already implemented controls within the facilities and provide an additional layer of protection.

“Residents will be encouraged to wear a mask in our facilities as an extra layer of protection,” Emergency Operations Centre (EOC) spokesperson Jesse Ketler said in a statement.

“Every measure we put in place to protect our community helps to minimize COVID-19 transmission. We appreciate everyone’s respect and cooperation as we move into the coming weeks and months.”

More information on Comox Valley facilities’ response to the COVID-19 pandemic can be found at:


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