HQ for Ben Kilmer search moved to Skutz Falls

HQ for Ben Kilmer search moved to Skutz Falls

WATCH: The search is still underway for missing Cobble Hill man Ben Kilmer. As Luisa Aalvarez reports, family, friends and volunteers have moved their HQ to a new location to hopefully increase their odds of finding Ben.

It’s nearing one month since Ben Kilmer’s mysterious disappearance, but family and volunteers haven’t given up.

“Hope is still very much alive everyone is in good spirits they are helping each other and remaining positive and they will find him,” said search volunteer Sarah Howelles.

The father of two was last seen on surveillance video on May 16th at a job site, his van was found later along Cowichan Lake Road still running, with blood inside.

“There is so much speculation because it is a big mystery and all we can do is keep a clear mind and push forward and try to find him if anything for those two little babies that need their daddy, ” said Ben Kilmer’s sister-in-law Michelle Corry.

The surrounding area where the van was found was the starting point of the search and has been extensively covered by volunteers, but nothing was found.

Now under new guidance and desperate for answers the search headquarters has been moved to Skutz Falls, a place with meaning for Ben and his wife.

“Skutz Falls is where my sister and Ben first met we’ve had a clairvoyant guide us here as well,” said Corry.

“[The clairvoyant] feels strongly that his presence is here so they are looking for a large boulder, heavy trees and then going into leveled out ground, possibly a crevice, they are looking for fallen trees, any kind of footprints and mud that don’t belong,” said search volunteer Sarah Howelles.

They are also continuing to flood the area with posters of Ben, engraving his picture in the mind of all who pass by ? as they hope that answers may surface.

“We really have nothing to go off at this point so we are doing all we can to find him right now with God and faith as our guide that’s all we have,” said Corry.

For updated information on search efforts follow the Find Ben Kilmer Facebook page.

Luisa AlvarezLuisa Alvarez

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