Family of refugees in need of employment amid COVID-19 crisis

Family of refugees in need of employment amid COVID-19 crisis
WatchThe fallout from the COVID-19 pandemic has hurt many financially, including a family of refugees.

The COVID-19 pandemic has put many people around the country in very tough financial situations.

Businesses have been forced to lay off workers or to shut down altogether. It’s left countless Canadians wondering when their next paycheque will arrive. The government is lending a hand to many, but for those who have to come to live here from other parts of the world, it’s not that simple.

“Very broke. If I can say, we are very broke. Nowhere to go. we don’t know what to do.” said Faustin Wavedila. Wavedila, his wife and daughter came to Canada as refuges from the Republic of Congo last May.

He’s worked various odd jobs since arriving here such as yard maintenance and cleaning and had even recently gotten a position with an electrical company, but that was quickly cut short by the coronavirus fall out.

“My boss told me, you know with this virus, we don’t have to come tomorrow because everyone has to be home,” said Wavedila.

His wife Patricia had been working at a daycare but has also been laid off. Now the couple, who came to Canada to provide a better life for their young daughter are fearing the worst.

“If this situation continues, where will I get job? How am I going to survive for my family, I will end up on the streets,” said Wavedila.

They’ve embraced life in Canada, and hope to become citizens.

“I’m asking people who know me, people who know this family, If they find something, a job, if they could inform us to get into that job,” said Wavedila.

The family’s refugee sponsorship will end in two months, and with the steady spread of COVID-19, It’s becoming more unclear by the day as to when society will return to normal. But if anyone can help with employment opportunities, the family can be reached at 250-880-4461.

Ben NesbitBen Nesbit

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