Dozens of pro-vaccine supporters attend anti-vaccine protest in Victoria

Dozens of pro-vaccine supporters attend anti-vaccine protest in Victoria
WatchEarlier in the week, CHEK News followed Nell Saba as she attended an anti-vaccine protest at the legislature. She was alone then, standing with a pro-vaccine sign, and she faced plenty of pushback. But as Kevin Charach reports, on Saturday, she had reinforcements.

Nell Saba normally performs a solo act.

The 25-year-old University of Victoria graduate has attended nearly a dozen anti-vaccine protests as the only pro-vaccine supporter.

But on Saturday (Oct. 9), Saba had a full ensemble at the B.C. Legislature, where an anti-vaccine protest took place.

Within the first 20 minutes of the planned protest, Saba already had dozens of pro-vaccine supporters in her corner.

“I am very overwhelmed. I did not expect this many people to come out,” Saba told CHEK News.

Tensions were high as passion and frustration from both sides resulted in several heated shouting matches between the pro-vaccine and anti-vaccine groups.

When CHEK News first reported on Saba’s efforts earlier this week, word spread fast.

“That young lady’s what inspired me,” said Paul Middleton, one of the dozens of pro-vaccine supporters who attended this afternoon.

“I saw the article on CHEK News about the young lady who was all by herself,” said Neil Horner, another supporter of the COVID-19 vaccine. “Frankly, I got all choked up and I thought, well, that’s not right, she shouldn’t be here by herself.”

In addition to airing Thursday night on CHEK News, the story was widely shared on social media sites including Reddit and Facebook.

“It’s a lot because I am not really a leader, but everyone is thanking me,” said Saba, who has attended two protests a week since mid-September. “It feels good to see more signs that are like mine.”

Beyond the push to support Saba, many expressed their own motivation for taking part.

“I look after my mom. She’s 98, If she gets COVID she’s dead,” explained Horner.

“I think of the kids that are growing up now, growing up in a world where they don’t see half their kids’ faces anymore,” said Middleton. “We’re going to be wearing masks forever if we don’t get vaccinated.”

Although Saturday marked the first time Saba had help on her side, many of the supporters say it won’t be their last.


Nell Saba was joined by many other pro-vaccine supporters at an anti-vaccine rally on Saturday in Victoria. (Kevin Charach/CHEK News)

Tensions were high as passion and frustration from both sides resulted in several heated shouting matches between the pro-vaccine and anti-vaccine groups. (Kevin Charach/CHEK News)

Anti-vaccine protests routinely hold rallies out front of the B.C. Legislature building. (Kevin Charach/CHEK News)

Nell Saba, a 25-year-old University of Victoria graduate, has attended nearly a dozen anti-vaccine protests as the only pro-vaccine supporter. (Kevin Charach/CHEK News)

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Kevin CharachKevin Charach

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