Donut hole election poll in Courtenay predicts NDP win in B.C. election

Donut hole election poll in Courtenay predicts NDP win in B.C. election

On a wet, stormy Friday in Courtenay, Bigfoot Donuts was bustling with customers, hungry for treats and a crack at calling the winner of the B.C. election in its donut hole election poll.

“I think it’s such a cool idea actually,” said Courtenay resident Megan Griffiths.

“We were just doing some party research this morning so yeah. I think I love it.”

“We definitely have a varied market,” said Bigfoot Donuts owner and baker Lyndsey Bell.

“Every age likes donuts so we actually get pretty realistic results I think.”

Each B.C. party got 50 donut holes covered in that party’s colours and each customer that came in could pick one, therefore deciding who they thought would win the Courtenay-Comox riding. The riding is considered a battleground one. It was won by less than 200 votes by the BC NDP in the last election.

Seven-year-old Odin Neufeld, while too young to vote in the B.C. election., cast his unofficial donut vote on Friday. . Though admitted he was more interested in the free donut hole than who he would vote for.

“I don’t know,” said Courtenay resident Neufeld about his pick.

“I really don’t know,” he said.

Seven-year-old Robin Hopkins, in line behind Neufeld, felt the same.

“I hope NDP wins but basically because orange is my favourite colour,” said Hopkins.

According to Bigfoot’s bakers, this donut hole prognosticating has really worked before. It was baked up during the last federal election campaign and successfully predicted the winner.

“Gord Johns won the riding in Courtenay-Comox,” said Bell.

“And right now it’s neck and neck with green and orange,” she said.

By the end of the day, the NDP had the most donut holes, followed by the BC Greens and BC Liberals.

Skye RyanSkye Ryan

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