Donations pour in as search continues for missing Ladysmith goat

Donations pour in as search continues for missing Ladysmith goat

WATCH: The case of the stolen baby goat in Ladysmith has captured the hearts of people far and wide who are now pledging thousands of dollars to help find it. The 12-day-old baby was snatched during a snuggle with goats event at Yellow Point Farms last Saturday, and as Skye Ryan reports, the public reaction to catch the culprit has taken on a life of its own.

Although a cap has been put on a reward for information that can help find a baby goat believed stolen in Ladysmith, donations keep coming in.

“Unbelievable,” said Justin Dault from his Ladysmith farm Wednesday.

“We love the response. I mean the community, the people, you couldn’t ask for anymore,” said Dault.

Donations from businesses and residents pledging to help find the male kid total more than $3,500.

The goat’s owners at Yellow Point Farms have capped the reward at $1,200.

“We capped it at $1200 but we’ve had phone calls of people offering $500, $200, $300,” said Dault.

Rebecca and Justin Dault say one of their baby goats was taken during an event where people can visit and snuggle with the cuddly animals at their Ladysmith farm.

They noticed a 12-day-old male kid was missing after the event on Saturday.

Victoria realtor Whitney Garside is one of many who’ve pledged money for the goat’s return, she’s offering $500.

“It just broke my heart,” said Garside.

“So hopefully any little bit of money or something will help someone come forward and bring the baby home,” she said.

The stolen baby goat story has gone viral across North America and the Dault’s say they have been hugely touched for the outpouring of support.

Picture courtesy Facebook/Yellow Point Farms.

Picture courtesy Facebook/Yellow Point Farms.


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