Day of Mourning for Queen Elizabeth II confusing for many in B.C.

Day of Mourning for Queen Elizabeth II confusing for many in B.C.

For some B.C. residents, including students and crown corporation employees, Monday is a day off to align with Ottawa’s decision to mark the Queen’s funeral with a National Day of Mourning.

But it’s not a holiday for everyone, and the Greater Victoria Teachers’ Association said the union is still sorting through the decision.

“It was a surprise. unexpected. Although as a Commonwealth country, perhaps we should have anticipated the possibility.
But it was a surprise for us,” said association president Ilda Turcotte.

Turcotte said full-time teachers with the day off will still be paid.

“I would anticipate those who were not scheduled to work that day probably will not be paid. And we’ll have to find out what happens to those who were booked, whether or not they will be paid,” she said.

Also not getting paid for the day are the estimated 500 education assistants in Greater Victoria schools, all CUPE members.

The day-off impact is also trickling down to businesses.

Bruce Williams, CEO of the Greater Victoria Chamber of Commerce, said members are still recovering from the pandemic and now are concerned about their employees’ ability to come into work.

“Could be that their employees can’t come to work because they have to take care of their kids instead of the kids going to school,” he said.

Todd Stone, BC Liberal Labour critic, said calling Monday a day off for some but not all has created a mess.

“This decision by the BC Government frankly, is half-baked in that it leads countless families scrambling,” he said.

“People are calling our respective offices quite upset at having to make alternate childcare arrangements. Small businesses are wondering if all of their employees are going to be able to show up for work on Monday, if as parents themselves, they aren’t able to find childcare for their kids.”

Monday’s day of mourning will be the fourth holiday in a six-week stretch for B.C. with Labour Day, the upcoming Day of Reconciliation, and Thanksgiving.

Mary GriffinMary Griffin

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