Cowichan Tribes members mark seven years since man went missing

Cowichan Tribes members mark seven years since man went missing

Sunday marks a sombre anniversary for those wanting answers about what happened to a missing Cowichan Tribes man.

Seven years ago was the last known sighting of 26-year-old Ian Henry and affected family members are worried his case is going cold, as are some other cases involving missing Indigenous people.

“It’s hard to believe it’s been seven years,” said William “Chip” Seymour, Henry’s uncle.

Henry went missing in August 2015, but as time has passed there haven’t been answers to the questions swirling around his disappearance.

“He’s been missing that long with no leads, no clues. We’ve searched all over Vancouver Island. We’ve plastered posters all over Vancouver Island,” said Monica Patsy Jones, an aunt and Executive Director of Cowichan Missing and Murdered Women, Men and Children.

“The family can not let him go until he’s brought home. Then we can let him go and heal,” said Seymour.

Henry was last as a vibrant young man who was loved by his community.

“Ian was always active. He loved his biking. Always had his smile. A friendly man,” said Seymour.

Henry is one of three missing from Cowichan Tribes who disappeared without a trace.

Desmond Peter went missing in 2007 at the age of 14. His grandmother still hopes he’s alive.

“The first year was the hardest cause I was standing alone. My daughter turned to alcohol right away so I had to go and look for him myself,” said Donna Louie, the grandmother of Peter.

And 47-year-old Everett Jones, who had special needs, disappeared in 2016.

All three weigh heavily on those in the community.

“One of the things that cross our minds right now is human trafficking and that’s really strong around here right now,” said Jones.

“RCMP is not giving us any updates and they should be,” added Seymour.

RCMP last updated the community on the three cases in 2017.

Henry’s aunt is trying to raise $25,000 as a reward for information about what happened to him.

He’s the only one of the three without a reward attached to his case and the hope is that there will be answers before another anniversary.

Kendall HansonKendall Hanson

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