Chuck’s Burger Bar: VicPD says sexual assault investigation extends to Ontario

Chuck's Burger Bar: VicPD says sexual assault investigation extends to Ontario
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Chuck's Burger Bar: VicPD investigation of former employee extends to Ontario as more women come forward with allegations of sexual violence.

It was a typical girls’ night out three weeks ago when two friends headed out to a favourite watering hole, Chuck’s Burger Bar.

As the night went on, however, things turned grim.

CHEK News is not identifying the woman telling her story, who said the former employee started giving them free drinks shortly after they arrived at the restaurant.

“I think he had realized this time he had gotten us blackout drunk instead of just drunk. So he knew he was going to be able to bring us up to his apartment and take advantage,” she said.

The 22-year old woman said the former employee sexually assaulted her and her friend that night.

She woke up in the employee’s apartment, both she and her friend, naked on the man’s bed.

“I looked at my friend and we were both extremely scared. I could tell in her eyes that it was not okay.”

This is one of the many allegations of similar stories emerging about the former employee at Chuck’s Burger Bar.

In this instance, these women say the former employee and a male friend forced them to have sex.

Then she blacked out again and woke up in the shower.

“I had slipped in the shower and I fell to the ground.  I hit my head on the counter and the guy had forced himself on me while I was on the ground,” she said.

The next day, she went to the hospital, where staff informed her she had suffered a concussion. Then she contacted the Victoria Sexual Assault Centre, and Victoria Police.

She’s now telling her story after reading similar accounts on the social media Instagram page, Survivor Stories Project. Since posting her story, 40 women have reached out to her.

“It feels really good to see other women come forward and, it makes me feel like I’ve helped and done something for women who couldn’t have come forward if we hadn’t spoke up.”

Now the scope of the Victoria Police investigation widening all the way across Canada, according to Cst. Cam MacIntyre, spokesperson for the department.

“It is our understanding that there are connections here to Ontario,” said MacIntyre. “We have been in contact communication with outside agencies in Ontario. And that will be a piece of the investigation moving forward.”

Anyone with information is being asked to contact the Victoria Police Department or the Victoria Sexual Assault Centre.

RELATED: Victoria Police investigating reports of sexual violence related to downtown restaurant

Mary GriffinMary Griffin

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