CHEK Upside: Islander’s pizza reviews hitting the spot

CHEK Upside: Islander's pizza reviews hitting the spot
WatchClint Taylor has reviewed over 50 different pizzas on south Vancouver Island.

For Clint Taylor, what started as a cure for boredom quickly turned into something much more.

The Victoria resident was laid off from his job when the pandemic started in March, and turned to YouTube for entertainment.

“I was basically finding myself at home with a lot more time and I was watching the Dave Portnoy One Bite reviews and I couldn’t stop watching them,” says Taylor.

So he’s set out to replicate Barstool Sport’s pizza antics right here on Vancouver Island.

“Everyone likes pizza to so it’s an easy thing for people to do while they’re at home during this pandemic they can watch it as entertainment, it’s something for them to enjoy while there’s all this craziness going on,” says Taylor.

With mom Suzanne in tow as his videographer, Clint has chomped down on over 50 pizzas from Langford for Fernwood.

“I don’t rate it but I do get to eat it and they’re delicious,” says Suzanne.

“I’m trying to go to different zones so that people have a pizza place in their area that they can see a review of and I’m also trying to go to obscure places that people may have of seen before so they can actually see what the pizza looks like,” adds Clint.

The judging criteria is fairly simple. The pizza needs to have a crunchy crust with a little bit of charcoal. If it meets the initial test, then the rigidity of the pizza comes into play.

“I like to pick it up and give it a taco grip just to see what the flop is going to be like, the taste of the sauce and the cheese and then I do a crust bight just to get the crispiness of it,” says Clint.

But somehow, even after tasting up to six pizzas in one day, Clint isn’t sick of the Italian staple.

“It’s funny because I do have a slight gluten intolerance so it’s been a little bit of a battle but I love pizza so I’ve been taking one for the team,” he laughs.

To watch Clint’s videos, search V.I.P. Reviews on YouTube.

Cole SorensonCole Sorenson

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