CHEK Upside: Island sisters creating Remembrance Day paintings for veterans

CHEK Upside: Island sisters creating Remembrance Day paintings for veterans
WatchEach November Brylee, Maylin and Everly Apted create Remembrance Day paintings to raise money for local Royal Canadian Legion branches.

It’s all about giving back to those who served. Brylee Apted first heard about Remembrance Day when she was in kindergarten.

“So Brylee came home from kindergarten and her teacher wanted her bring in a toonie for a poppy,” says Brylee’s mom, Dani Dwinnell.

“I said ‘mom, I need a toonie to get a poppy for your shirt’ and I wanted to expand that idea,” says Brylee.

Brylee started painting and selling Remembrance Day pictures with all proceeds going to local Royal Canadian Legion branches.

“So not including this year, they’ve donated 1,700 dollars,” says Dwinnell.

“On November 11th they will donate what they’ve raised this year to the legion.”

The reaction from the legion halls and Brylee’s school has been overwhelming. This year, Brylee’s even been asked to do a PowerPoint presentation to her grade five class. Her achievements have made for one proud mom.

“It’s been amazing, these kids all have such great big hearts but by doing what they’re doing it just shows how big their heart is,” says Dwinnell.

While all the praise might be nice, Brylee’s favourite part of the process is putting her little sisters Maylin and Everly to work.

“As soon as they could start painting she them and has put them to work since then,” says Dani.

“You know what, they’re fine for their age,” Brylee smiles.

While Remembrance Day might look different this year, Brylee and her sisters will still mail out their pictures.

“We have mailed out about 12 pictures so far and they have many more orders to go out,” says Dani. “We usually try and deliver them but due to COVID, we’re mailing them out,” adds Dani.

Those interested in purchasing a picture can email [email protected].

Cole SorensonCole Sorenson

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