‘Apprehensive and nervous’: Americans on Van. Island await Tuesday’s election results

'Apprehensive and nervous': Americans on Van. Island await Tuesday's election results
Watch Americans living on Vancouver Island are anxiously awaiting Tuesday's United States election and are nervous about what may happen after. April Lawrence reports.

Election day in the United States isn’t until Tuesday yet a record number of Americans have already cast their vote, including Saanich’s Jude Fox.

“We’re all feeling a little apprehensive and nervous,” said Fox who is a member of the Victoria chapter of Democrats Abroad.

“in 2016 not many people thought that Mr. Trump would win and become president, so even though things are looking very very good for Joe Biden nobody wants to take anything for granted at this stage we still feel like the rug may be pulled from under us at the last moment,” Fox said.

Heightened anxiety among all voters, regardless of their political stripes, is likely helping fuel the surge in early turnout.

“The stakes feel higher right now given the handling or mishandling of the pandemic, depends which party you align with,” said Aragon, a political scientist at the University of Victoria and a dual American/Canadian citizen.

A new Angus Reid poll shows 40 per cent of Americans describe feeling very or extremely stressed due to the COVID-19 pandemic, compared to 22 per cent of Canadians.

As a result many are choosing mail-in ballots, much like British Columbians did in October’s provincial election. And like that election, it means we may not have all of the results in the U.S. Tuesday night.

READ MORE: Outcome of B.C. election won’t shift much with mail-in ballots: expert

Whatever the outcome, businesses across the united states are preparing for potential fallout. And Aragon says that makes her nervous for her friends and family.

“I am worried for my family in southern California, I’m also worried for friends in Portland, D.C., Colorado, the Bay area you name it because whatever way the chips fall some people are going to be angry,” said Aragon.

But Aragon says she feels fairly confident there will be results once polls close Tuesday and that whoever wins, the impact will be felt here in Canada in the months and years ahead.

April LawrenceApril Lawrence

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