Boomer’s Legacy BC Bike Ride

Boomer's Legacy BC Bike Ride
Founder Maureen Eykelenboom hoping ride will raise $40,000 this year.

All 100 riders were serenaded by bagpipes as they left Courtenay Civic Cemetery Saturday morning bound for Nanaimo tonight and Victoria tomorrow. 
“It’s just beautiful and just look at this day” said Maureen Eykelenboom. “How can you ask for anything better?”
Maureen Eykelenboom has turned a personal tragedy into something big and beautiful. 
“And look at those cyclists and the funds that we’ve raised and the funds that we know are going to go back into the community. It’s just beautiful. That’s all I can say.” she added. 
$1.2million has been raised for Boomer’s Legacy in the 11 years since Corporal Andrew Eykelenboom, a military medic from Comox was killed in Afghanistan.
The money is used to help the less fortunate in countries where Canadian Forces members are serving and more recently to help charitable causes in Canada in which members are involved. 
This ride is in its 10th year and Victoria’s AJ Brian has been all of them 
“It’s been an honour to take part in this event the last now ten years” he told CHEK News before the ride began. “It’s good to see that the loss that we had in Afghanistan, particularly is not being forgotten.” 
“This is my sixth ride” stated Sandra Stewart from Campbell River. “I think it’s a fabulous organization and I think we need to support and acknowledge our serving and retired military.”
The ride rolled through places like Royston and Union Bay Saturday morning. 
Maureen Eykelenboom  says she can feel the presence of her son every kilometre. 
“I always feel Andrew and you get on those bikes and you get that camaraderie and that friendship and that fun” she said. “I sometimes feel him the most when I have a water gun and I’m spraying someone going up the Malahat. It varies, it’s good, it’s just all good.”
She hopes this year’s Boomer’s Legacy BC bike ride will raise $40,000.00 and you can be there to see the team arrive in Victoria, at the Legislature Sunday at 4:45pm.
To learn more about Boomer’s Legacy click here.

Dean StoltzDean Stoltz

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