BC Green Party surges to popular, potentially powerful, support

BC Green Party surges to popular, potentially powerful, support

There is a spring in their steps.

North America’s only Green Party caucus readies to meet the media, led by leader Andrew Weaver.

“I’m excited about the potential about actually changing politics here in British Columbia.”

A historic night for the party.

Tripling the number of elected MLA’s, and dramatic growth in the popular vote.

Weaver addressed a packed room of supporters.

“Starting tonight we are building a change that you can build on in British Columbia. Thank you British Columbia for your support.”

UVic political scientist Michael Prince says the Green Party is now a factor in provincial politics.

“What we see on the Island in particular, is the Greens are a serious third party.  It’s not a fringe party. In most of the Island’s 14 ridings, they placed strong seconds, or strong third place finishes.

They are here to stay.”

In votes cast, the Liberals lost almost 61,000 votes provincially compared with the 2013 election.

The NDP gained less than one thousand votes overall.

But a surge to the Greens of almost 155,000 votes.

Last night’s final result may change as absentee ballots are counted.

But the Greens three seats makes the party a force to be reckoned with.

“I think the burning question from a lot of people is, will you ask Andrew Weaver to form a coalition government with you as Premier?  I spoke with Mr. Weaver last night.  We talked about a range of issues.
We talked about we both agree that the BC Liberals have failed British Columbians in a range of issues.”

“This morning I talked with our Lieutenant-governor, she requested that I continue to serve as Premier.”

Now the wooing of the Green Party begins from the Premier.

“I talked with Dr. Weaver yesterday, I hope to meet with him in the very near future.”

“In the next two weeks it’s a fascinating dance of seduction, or negotiation and wooing.  But when you look at the issues, there is more overlap between the NDP and Green on a lot of key issues” says Prince.

For now, Andrew Weaver is not making any demands.

“The BC Greens don’t demand anything. We will work with the other parties.”

Mary GriffinMary Griffin

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