B.C. threatens to sue Alberta as all sides in Trans Mountain dispute dig in

B.C. threatens to sue Alberta as all sides in Trans Mountain dispute dig in

WATCH: Alberta is making good on its threat to limit gas and fuel shipments to B.C. if the Horgan government causes any delays to the Kinder Morgan pipeline expansion. Legislation was introduced in Edmonton this afternoon that – once approved – will give Alberta the power to retaliate against B.C., creating potential fuel shortages and driving up the price at the pump. Tess van Straaten has the latest on the pipeline politics.

British Columbia’s attorney general is threatening to sue if a new law introduced in Alberta causes gasoline prices in to skyrocket.

David Eby says it’s unconstitutional for one province to use energy policy to punish another province, and B.C. is prepared to take legal action against Alberta.

The Alberta government introduced legislation that would allow for the restriction of oil, gasoline and natural gas leaving that province, which could cause fuel prices in B.C. to jump.

Eby’s comments come as those for and against the construction of the Trans Mountain pipeline expansion dig in, including Indigenous Peoples, business leaders, protesters and politicians.

Pipeline owner, Kinder Morgan, has suspended all non-essential spending on the $7.4 billion project as the federal government tries to reassure the company’s investors by May 31 that the project will move forward despite opposition from the B.C. government.

B.C. Premier John Horgan, Alberta Premier Rachel Notley and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau met Sunday in Ottawa, with Trudeau saying the federal government is preparing to hold private, financial talks with Kinder Morgan to ensure the pipeline’s completion.

Alberta Premier Rachel Notley and B.C. Premier John Horgan continue to disagree over the deadlocked Trans Mountain pipeline expansion project. (Mark Blinch/Darryl Dyck/Canadian Press). Photo courtesy of the CBC.

Alberta Premier Rachel Notley and B.C. Premier John Horgan continue to disagree over the deadlocked Trans Mountain pipeline expansion project. (Mark Blinch/Darryl Dyck/Canadian Press). Photo courtesy of the CBC.

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