Woman who witnessed man in wheelchair get assaulted in Victoria raising concerns with how police responded

Woman who witnessed man in wheelchair get assaulted in Victoria raising concerns with how police responded

WATCH: This week a man in a wheelchair was attacked at a bus stop in Victoria. Saturday, he met the woman who came to help him, for the first time since the incident.
But as Luisa Alvarez tells us, she has concerns about how police handled the situation.

Last Sunday 65-year-old Jim Marshall broke his femur after he was pushed off his wheelchair while waiting for the bus on Douglas street. Vivian Fidler was also waiting for the bus and witnessed the assault.

“I hear this big scream like a guy scream and I turned around right away and I saw two hands pushing a wheelchair and the fellow who was in the wheelchair fell down,” said Fidler.

Several good samaritans helped Marshall get back on his chair but it was Fidler who called the police and stayed with him until officers arrived, so for that, he’s especially grateful.

“I would like to thank Vivian, in particular, very, very much for what she did to assist me,” said Marshall on Wednesday when CHEK News first spoke to him.

On Saturday, Vivian came to visit Jim for the first time since the incident and he was finally able to thank her in person.

“Thank you very, very much,” said Marshall.

“You’re very, very welcome and it was a pleasure, “said Fidler with a smile.

But, now knowing how serious Jim was hurt Fidler says she’s frustrated at how police handled the situation.

She says when the two Victoria Police officers arrived she insisted they call an ambulance but they told her to leave since they could handle it from there. That’s when Fidler says she overheard officers asking Marshall what he wanted to do.

“They kept asking him if he wanted to wait for the bus or wait for the ambulance and it almost sounded to me that they were discouraging him from waiting for an ambulance,” said Fidler.

Marshall admits he told police he was fine to go home on the bus.

“At the time I did not think I needed to go to the hospital,” said Marshall.

But, Fidler says the police officers should have known better, especially since he was bleeding and had a swollen knee.

“When you are in shock sometimes you cannot really think straight,” said Fidler so you need someone to think for you.  “I think they should have taken the initiative to do it instead of just letting him take the bus, I thought it was irresponsible to tell you the truth.”

Victoria Police did not have anyone available Saturday to respond to CHEK News’ request for comment.

Nobody, not even Fidler, saw who attacked Marshall and police have not been able to identify the person but Fidler remembers a woman at the scene admitting the two men she was with were responsible. But, by that time they had long left the scene.

Police are still asking for any witnesses to come forward and Fidler says she really hopes the woman talks to police.

Marshall will have to be in a cast for the next six weeks but with all the bad that came from the assault Fidler says there was good as well.

Both Fidler and Marshall were able to get to know each other a little bit during their time together waiting for police and now both say their friendship will continue.

Fidler says she plans to continue visiting Marshall at his care home on Gorge Road.



Luisa AlvarezLuisa Alvarez

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