Wolf in Victoria’s James Bay neighbourhood tranquilized

Wolf in Victoria's James Bay neighbourhood tranquilized
WatchOfficers remove a wolf that was tranquilized after roaming Victoria's James Bay neighbourhood

Victoria police say a wolf that has been roaming Victoria’s James Bay neighbourhood has been tranquillized by conservation officers Sunday— ending a 24-hour search.

On Sunday officers and other residents reported seeing the wild animal. VicPD say were giving the wolf room, and asked the public to bring their kids and pets indoors out of an abundance of caution.

One CHEK News viewer says the wolf came up to her patio. She quickly grabbed photos.

A photo sent in by a Jame Bay resident who says the wolf visited their patio at 4 p.m. Sunday

“It was surprising he would approach the patio door with me standing on the other side,” said the James Bay resident.

“It was shocking, it was really amazing… my concern is I would really like to see him get caught before he gets hurt… and young children and pets could also be hurt.”

She says they quickly called 911 to report the sighting.

“I had been out working in the yard only just 40 minutes earlier,” she added.

A wolf was first spotted on Saturday, sending Victoria Police and Conservation officers searching for the wild animal.

The wolf was never found by officials, but conservation officers suspected it could be a wolf named Takaya.

He lives on Discovery and Chatham Islands, and they hoped he would return overnight Saturday.

They say he has swum over to areas like Cattle Point in Oak Bay and before, but James Bay is the furthest distance they have heard him go.

Cheryl Alexander has documented the life of Takaya for several years. She says it’s hard to believe that it could possibly be him.

“Honestly it’s shocking actually that he would have left the Island after all these years. I know that there have been some reports over the years that he’s come to 10-mile point to snag a deer or something but I haven’t seen any indication of that.” Alexander said.

However, there could be one glaring reason he may have made the trek. “This doesn’t surprise me in that this is breeding season and unlike dogs, wolves come into heat once a year so this is go time. And for an animal that has likely never in all likelihood bred yet, and he’s getting up there in age so this is his time to go,” said University of Victoria Professor Chris Darimont.

“This animal is much more scared of us then we ought to be of it,” added Darimont, who also believes the wolf could be en route to Sooke Hills.

READ MORE: Wolf spotted in James Bay likely back on Discovery Island

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Julian KolsutJulian Kolsut

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