Video shows wolf spotted in James Bay heading down street

Video shows wolf spotted in James Bay heading down street
WatchVideo shows a wolf heading down Michigan Street street in James Bay Saturday (Thomas Hanratty)

Multiple sightings of a wolf across James Bay Saturday sent Victoria Police and Conservation officers searching for the wild animal.

A video sent in by CHEK News viewer Thomas Hanratty shows what appears to be the wolf heading down Michigan Street towards Montreal Street.

Police say the first sighting was made by a Victoria animal control officer just after 3 p.m.

Officers then headed to parks and public spaces in James Bay to alert parents and families.

“At first I though perhaps it was somebody’s husky, but then I saw the picture and it doesn’t look like domestic animal,” said Nicole Bennett who lives in the area with her two children.

“It’s a little bit concerning, I walk with my little ones in the neighbourhood often… I just wonder how he got here.”

B.C. Conservation Officers were quickly called to help with the search. But officials were unable to find the wolf Saturday evening.

Conservation officers suspect it could be a wolf named Takaya. He lives on Discovery and Chatham Islands. On Sunday they believed he had returned.

They say he has swam over to areas like Cattle Point in Oak Bay and  before, but James Bay is the furthest distance they have heard him go.

They are urging the public to give the animal lots of space.


“We are monitoring sightings and are hoping it will make its way back tonight,” said Sgt. Scott Norris of the B.C. Conservation Service.

“Wolves can move far in a short amount of time… but right now we cannot confirm it is Takaya.”

Officials say normally wolves are secretive and will run away when they encounter people. But they say if you do come across the wolf to make sure it does not get closer than 100 metres to you.

They suggest using a scare tactic immediately if you see a wolf, and they add if the wolf displays aggressive behaviour to back away slowly and to not turn your back.

Cornering a wolf is also something conservation officers say could provoke the animal. If the public does see the wolf again, they urge them to call their hotline at 1-877-952-7277 (RAPP).

They also say it is best to keep animals indoors and a close eye on children for the time being.

“The wolf never showed aggression to people today,” added Norris.

More details on what to do in a encounter with a wolf can be found here.

Julian KolsutJulian Kolsut

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