Window art displays to transform James Bay into neighbourhood art gallery

Window art displays to transform James Bay into neighbourhood art gallery

WATCH: More than 80 homes in Victoria’s oldest neighbourhood will become improvised art exhibits next weekend, but be prepared to stare because the displays will be showcased behind windows. Ceilidh Millar reports. 

From painted portraits to cut-out cardboard silhouettes, there are many ways to create a window art display.

“It’s completely up to the participants what they do,” explained Terry Loeppky, who is organizing North America’s first ‘Window Wanderland’ exhibit in James Bay.

Loeppky says there is no script when it comes to a community-wide art project that will transform more than 80 houses, schools and businesses into a neighbourhood of makeshift art galleries, museums and even symphonies.

“Participants can arrange to have a string quartet come and play in their living room or a garage band,” Loeppky said. “Whatever people want!”

Window Wanderland started in the United Kingdom in 2015.

Residents create elaborate window displays in their home for the public to see and enjoy.

“What if one night everybody in the neighborhood threw open their curtains, put a display in the windows and we all go out into the streets and have a look,” Loeppky said.

At a workshop on Saturday, James Bay residents learnt how to craft their own window displays ? as they prepare to turn their homes into improvised art exhibits next weekend.

“I’m just going to hang a whole bunch of chimes from my ceiling and put tissue paper behind it,” explained participant Claudia Warren.

“I’m really excited to get out there, and walk the streets of James Bay and see what other people have done,”explained participant Linda Gionet. “It’s great for the community.

Loeppky says there is still time for James Bay residents and business to take part in the event.

Those hoping to see the display next weekend can find a map online of all the participating houses.

Maps will also be available for pick-up at the New Horizons Society starting Wednesday of next week.

“I hope people will take away a sense of wonder and excitement and that next year we’ll have 800 participants,” Loeppky said.

Window Wanderland takes place in James Bay on February 24 and 25 from 5:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.

Ceilidh MillarCeilidh Millar

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