Wild ARC caring for baby mink that was found crying alone

Wild ARC caring for baby mink that was found crying alone
Wild ARC

A baby mink that was found wandering alone is now in good hands.

According to a recent post on the BC SPCA’s website, a young baby female mink was recently found wandering around alone, crying, and very distressed.

Despite repeated attempts, the mother was nowhere to be found and so the decision was made to take the baby mink to the BC SPCA’s Wild Animal Rehabilitation Centre — more commonly referred to as Wild ARC — in Metochsin.

“Unfortunately, the original den was not found and another den with similar-aged babies wasn’t located either. Without these essential factors to try and reintroduce or foster the baby mink with another family, it meant she was truly orphaned,” Tara Thom, Wild ARC’s assistant manager, said in a statement posted on the BC SPCA’s website.

RELATED: Wild ARC caring for rescued baby otter after its mother was killed by a car

Since being admitted to Wild ARC, the baby mink has been stabilized and is being provided a specialized diet along with regular weight checks to ensure she is developing properly.

“While initially fussy with her feedings, this young mink quickly took to her new formula within a few days. Her eyes are now opened and she’s becoming more and more adventurous,” said Thom.

Shortly after the baby mink was admitted to the Metochsin facility, a single orphaned baby mink that was being cared for by MARS Wildlife Rescue Hospital in Merville was transferred to Wild ARC. The two minks have been introduced and are being cared for together by Wild ARC staff.

“They both still have some growing to do but we’re hopeful they will be ready for a second chance at life in the wild in a little over a month,” said Thom.

Wild ARC says they are hopeful the minks can be released back into the wild in the coming months.

MORE: B.C. marine centre livestreams recovery of baby sea otter rescued on Vancouver Island

MORE: Wild ARC admits baby river otter found crying and wandering around Victoria-area beach

Nicholas PescodNicholas Pescod

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