Vital Signs Survey: What does community mean to you?

Vital Signs Survey: What does community mean to you?

What does community mean to you?

The Victoria Foundation is asking that question as part of its annual ‘Vital Signs’ survey, which is now underway.

The Vital Signs survey is looking for feedback on 12 key issues including housing, health and wellness, the economy and belonging and engagement.

The annual community check-up is a chance to have your say on what’s working well in Greater Victoria, and what needs more attention.

“It gives you a chance to have your voice and champion the causes and areas in the community that matter the most to you,” says Matthew Williams of the Victoria Foundation.

“We also take data from across the region at the municipal, provincial and federal level that helps create that snap shot of what’s going great in Victoria and what also needs a little more attention across our community to really help drive that giving across our community.”

This is the 17th year for the Vital Signs survey.

You can complete the 2022 Vital Signs survey on the Victoria Foundation website until July 4.

Tess van StraatenTess van Straaten

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