Victoria releases another batch of municipal vehicle trading cards

Victoria releases another batch of municipal vehicle trading cards
City of Victoria
Some of the vehicle trading cards are shown.

The City of Victoria has released its third round of trading cards that showcase vehicles in its municipal fleet.

The free limited edition trading cards can be picked up from Victoria city hall while supplies last, or can be printed off at home.

This time, the vehicles include a zero-emission electric van, a snow removal truck, a mini excavator, a road paver and a zero-emission electric car.

Each trading card includes “stats” on the vehicles, like how large they are, where they come from, and how long they’ve been with the city.

The city’s road paver, for instance, has six years “pro” with the city, and weighs a whopping 4,500 kilograms (more than 9,920 pounds). The work vehicle comes from Minerbio, Italy.

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“Smooth, durable roads are essential for efficient transportation, and the road paver is the key to achieving them,” reads the trading card.

“With precision engineering, it ensures the construction of high-quality roads that withstand the test of time.”

The trading cards were released during National Public Works Week, which ran from May 19 to 25.

“The week-long event celebrates the contributions of public works divisions in planning, building and managing the everyday operations at the core of local communities,” said the City of Victoria.

Approximately 300 people work in the city’s public works department.

The third round of Victoria vehicle trading cards is shown. (City of Victoria)

Adam ChanAdam Chan

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