Victoria comic book store selling thousands of comics for 25 cents each

Victoria comic book store selling thousands of comics for 25 cents each
WatchA Victoria comic book store is having a sale for the ages after losing out on storage space. They're practically giving comics away by the bunch. Ben Nesbit has more on the rare sale and what you may find if you decide to check it out

A Victoria comic book store is putting on a rare sale after losing out on storage space.

The owner of Legends Comics and Books, Gareth Gaudin, is selling thousands of comics a day for just 25 cents.

Over the past 28 years, Gaudin has collected hundreds of thousands of comics, most of which were stored at an off-site warehouse.

But earlier this year Gaudin was notified that the warehouse was being converted into condominiums, leaving him with a bit of a dilemma.

“So suddenly without a place to put everything, it’s all in the store. So we have 50? 100? 200 thousand comics and they’re just in the way.” Gaudin said.

Starting this week, Gaudin has been putting out between 5,000 to 10,000 comics in boxes out front of his shop while lines grow down to street.

“I’m trying to calm the panic. There’s no reason to panic. The good stuff’s not going first it’s just random,” said Gaudin.

While 25 cents basically feels like a giveaway, he’s happy to pay it forward.

“Even if we did this for two months straight selling thousands a day,. well still have more than enough to give to libraries and to read ourselves,” he said.

Whether you’re a Superman, Batman, or Captain America fan, there’s a great chance you’ll find what you’re looking for.

Gaudin said he isn’t sure how long the sale will go on for but doesn’t anticipate it ending anytime soon.

“So far so good. I want to do it at least until the kids are back in school so mid-September should work,” he said.

The store is open from 12 p.m. to 4 p.m. Tuesday through Saturday at 633 Johnson St.

Ben NesbitBen Nesbit

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