Victoria caddies awarded $1M in scholarships through high school program

Victoria caddies awarded $1M in scholarships through high school program

WATCH: A summer gig for two high school students in Victoria has paid off in a big way. Ceilidh Millar reports. 

On the green of the Victoria Golf Club, Tim Peacock and River Bristow practice their swing. 

For these high school seniors, golfing isn’t their forte. 

They are part of the Chick Evans Caddie Scholarship Program, which gives high school students a chance to work their way towards a lucrative scholarship.

“The program is all about transforming kids and giving them a chance,” said Connor Taiji of the scholarship foundation. “These kids wouldn’t normally get the opportunities that other kids would.” 

To qualify for the award, the Oak Bay High School and Reynolds Secondary School students had to caddie 100 rounds of golf while maintaining top grades in school.  

“They have to have very top academic marks,” said Reynolds Secondary Counsellor Heather Benson. “They have to be great citizens, an incredible work ethic and be completely committed to the program they’ve signed up for.”

Each scholar will receive a $150,000 USD scholarship to attend the University of Washington. 

“This program grants them the ability to dream and dream big” said the Victoria Golf Club’s head pro Lindsay Bernakevitch. 

“The club has been very supportive,” said parents Dave and Judy Peacock. “Tim knew nothing about the game of golf when he first came, but they’ve helped him to become the best caddie he could be.”

“When he first started caddying he was shy and timid,” said Bristow’s Mother Suryani Sudiartha. “He’s grown to be a very confident person.”

With bright futures ahead of them, both scholars are already planning to give back to the program.

“In the future, I see both of us as Evan Scholar Admins helping other caddies who join the program” said Peacock. 

“If you’re a shy 13-year-old, carrying a bag might be a little scary for the first time,” said Bristow. “But you work your butt off and it’s worth it!” 

The Chick Evans Caddie Scholarship Program has funded 935 scholars across North America since its inception. 

Over the past 10 years, the Victoria Golf Club has awarded more than $1-million in scholarships through the program.

The club is currently accepting applications for the 2017 season until May 30. 


Ceilidh MillarCeilidh Millar

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