UN Assembly votes to demand that Russia stop war in Ukraine

UN Assembly votes to demand that Russia stop war in Ukraine
The U.N. General Assembly voted Wednesday to demand that Russia stop its offensive in Ukraine and withdraw all troops, with nations from world powers to tiny island states condemning Moscow’s actions. (File)

The U.N. General Assembly voted Wednesday to demand that Russia stop its offensive in Ukraine and withdraw all troops, with nations from world powers to tiny island states condemning Moscow’s actions.

The vote was 141 to 5, with 35 abstentions. It came after the 193-member assembly convened its first emergency session since 1997.

Assembly resolutions aren’t legally binding, but they do have clout in reflecting international opinion.

A Russian veto sank a similar resolution in the more powerful U.N. Security Council on Friday, but the assembly allows no vetoes. Under special emergency session rules, a resolution needs approval of two-thirds of those countries voting, and abstentions don’t count.

More than 90 countries co-sponsored the assembly resolution.

It deplored Russia’s “aggression” against Ukraine “in the strongest terms” and demanded an immediate halt to Moscow’s use of force and the immediate, complete and unconditional withdrawal of all Russian forces from Ukraine’s internationally recognized borders.

The measure also called on Russia to reverse a decision to recognize two separatist parts of eastern Ukraine as independent.

Countries that spoke up for Russia in the assembly included Belarus, Cuba, North Korea and Syria.

RELATED: Ukrainian journalist describes tense but calm atmosphere in central Kyiv as Russian troops approach

The Associated PressThe Associated Press

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