Two teenage boys recognized for quick actions during Victoria house fire

Two teenage boys recognized for quick actions during Victoria house fire

WATCH: Two teenage brothers were recognized Friday for their heroic actions after a fire broke out in their Fairfield family home two months ago. Kori Sidaway has more on their story of courage and the honour paid to them by the Victoria Fire Department. 

The Victoria Fire Department has recognized two teens for their heroic actions during a house fire in Victoria’s Fairfield neighbourhood in March. 

“To see your living room on fire, to be able to go and alert your family and tenants and make sure everyone get’s out of the house, to preserve the life of people, to make a valiant attempt at extinguishing the flames – that’s why we’re here today,” Victoria Fire Chief Paul Bruce said during a ceremony on Friday.

It was the first day of spring break when suddenly a fire broke out in Sam and Finn Parker’s family home.

“I yelled ‘fire!’ and grabbed the fire extinguisher, ripped off the tags and started spraying down the curtains,” Sam, 16, said.

But the fire spread rapidly. Sam grabbed his other brother, three-year-old Jasper, and Finn, 13, went to alert a tenant who lived in another part of the house.

Bruce said without the brother’s quick actions, the situation would have been much worse.

“In my opinion, it was very courageous, and by definition, courage doesn’t happen in the absence of fear,” Bruce said.

But the Parker brothers don’t like to think they’re heroes. They say they just did what anyone would have.

“It would have been normal for anyone to do the same thing in this same situation,” Finn said.

“I’m assuming that’s what everyone would kind of do in that situation, but it feels good, you know, to be honoured like this,” Sam said.

Their dad, Mike McComb, said the situation is bittersweet for the family, but Friday was a good day.

“As a dad, I’m just so proud of how boys handled the situation and got everyone out of the house, and we’re just looking to rebuild,” McComb said.

The family did have fire insurance but they are waiting for city permits before they can start rebuilding.


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