Tofino supports First Nation’s efforts to rename Mackenzie Beach

Tofino supports First Nation’s efforts to rename Mackenzie Beach
Mackenzie Beach in Tofino is pictured.

Tofino council has unanimously put its support behind an initiative to have Mackenzie Beach renamed to its traditional Indigenous name.

In September, the Tla-o-qui-aht First Nation launched a petition to have the B.C. government recognize Mackenzie Beach as tinwis, which means “calm waters.”

As of Saturday, the petition has received more than 2,100 signatures, nearing its 2,500 goal.

At a council meeting Tuesday, the District of Tofino approved a motion to “support the TFN’s (Tla-o-qui-aht First Nation) initiative to change the name of Mackenzie Beach to tinwis.”

The move comes about a year after the District of Saanich restored the Indigenous name of PKOLS to Mount Douglas Park.

Around the same time, the Haida Gwaii village of Queen Charlotte was also renamed to its historical First Nations name of Daajing Giids.

SEE ALSO: Songhees and Esquimalt First Nations will help rename George Jay Elementary


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