Therapy cat taken from Duncan dementia patient returned to family but not back in care home

Therapy cat taken from Duncan dementia patient returned to family but not back in care home

The family of a Duncan dementia patient who had her therapy cat taken away and replaced with a stuffed animal says the cat been reunited with them but is still not back in the care home.

Bill Court now caring for his mom’s beloved cat Snoop after it was taken away from the nursing home she lives in and rehomed.

Dawn Douglas had recently been given approval to have Snoop move in with her at Duncan’s Sunridge Place. But because a staff member had severe cat allergies, the cat was taken away last week and Douglas was given a stuffed, simulated therapy cat instead.

At the time, staff at the care home told Douglas they were taking her cat for a bath and never returned it. Island Health is now investigating.

Her family was outraged but now say thanks to CHEK News’ story, they were able to successfully track down the cat yesterday. Court says they will continue its fight to have the cat returned to Dawn.

“We’re definitely not giving up. We’re not only not giving up for our mom but any elderly person that’s actually in the same position. We feel as a family that was has been wronged should be made right,” says Court.





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