The New Normal: Coronavirus pandemic disproportionately affecting women

The New Normal: Coronavirus pandemic disproportionately affecting women
WatchIn this episode of the New Normal, Kori Sidaway speaks with Roanne Weyermars of Coast Capital about the progress that has been made towards gender equality and the impact the COVID-19 pandemic has had on women.

The coronavirus pandemic has impacted everyone, but some people have been affected more than others.

In this episode of the New Normal, Kori Sidaway speaks with Roanne Weyermars of Coast Capital about the progress that has been made towards gender equality and the impact the COVID-19 pandemic has had on women.

Weyermars says the COVID-19 pandemic has negatively affected women, particularly Black, Indigenous, and other visible minorities the most.

“What we are really seeing is that their financial health, their mental health and their physical health is really suffering because they have lost their jobs at the onset of the pandemic at a rate of six times more than their male counterparts,” she said.

Working mothers, who remain in the workforce, have lost six times more work hours per week than men, as a result of their caregiving responsibilities, according to Weyermars.

Watch the full episode in the video above.


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