The Frump to Fabulous Makeover supports Victoria Women’s Transition House

The Frump to Fabulous Makeover supports Victoria Women's Transition House

Update:   Linda Ferguson’s Frump to Fabulous Makeover raised $1,950.00 for Victoria Women’s Transition House!  Congratulations!

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to have professionals give you a Total Body Makeover?

That is what began in Victoria five months ago, when two women were selected from dozens of applications for an amazing opportunity of transformation.

Stylist Linda Ferguson is the creator of the “Frump to Fabulous Makeover”

“I’m a fashion designer, and I empower and inspire women to greatness,” said Ferguson. “I have, for years, been doing makeovers with women, and so I decided I would [offer] a Frump to Fabulous Makeover.”

RaeLeigh Buchanan was one of the makeover winners.

“I’m a single mom, working full time, and I’m really doing this for my 8-year-old son.  Just so I can be a better version of myself, and just to make some changes,” said Buchanan.

The makeover is much more than just a wardrobe analysis.  The two winners have spent five months working with various experts a nutritionist, hair and makeup stylist, skin educator, even a personal trainer.

“It’s been quite a journey,” says Buchanan, ” It’s been really neat sharing the experience with my son.  He’s noticed some of the changes that I’ve made.”

Buchanan has also noticed changes over the five months.

“Just making some small changes has made such a big difference… becoming a little bit more proactive and aware of what I’m eating has been a big thing… thinking about what I’m wearing and how I’m carrying myself has made a big difference!”

And it wouldn’t be a makeover without the big ‘Reveal Party.’  That’s happening on September 12, with all proceeds to Victoria Women’s Transition House.

Susan Howard from Transition House is thrilled that the organization has been chosen to receive a donation.

Ferguson is pleased that her fundraising idea will help Transition House too.

“We seem to fall through the cracks when it comes to federal funding, and there are just so many things that Transition House needs.  I thought it was a win-win, for both the attendees to come and have some fun, and then donate to Transition House too.”

So is Buchanan nervous, or excited, about the ‘Big Reveal?’

“Both!” she admits with a laugh. “It’s a little overwhelming at times, but I feel very honoured that Linda chose me as one of her recipients, and I’m very fortunate and lucky.”

Veronica CooperVeronica Cooper

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