Suspended legislature officials refute allegations against them outlined in Plecas report

Suspended legislature officials refute allegations against them outlined in Plecas report

WATCH: In the ongoing spending scandal at the BC Legislature, there are new developments. BC Liberal Linda Reid is stepping down as the legislature’s assistant deputy Speaker.  Reid is one of the legislature’s longest-serving members in the legislature. She served as Speaker from 2013 to 2017 and a deputy Speaker from 2009 to 2013.   That’s when many of the alleged incidents being investigated in the Plecas report took place. Since the report’s release last month, there have been calls for her to step down as the assistant deputy speaker.

On Friday, BC Liberal House Leader Mary Polak confirmed Reid would be stepping down as deputy house speaker in the B.C. legislature.

“Linda has certainly been long-serving, not just as speaker. Now it’s time for someone else to take up that role,” Polak said.

Green Party leader Andrew Weaver has been calling for Reid’s resignation since the release of Speaker Darryl Plecas’s report.

“As it stands, there is simply too much mistrust overhanging this place. And we need to give it a fresh start. So, good on the BC Liberals for pulling Ms. Reid from that role,” Weaver said.

The Vancouver Sun published Craig James and Gary Lenz’s response to the Speaker’s report, and they refute each and every allegation, including the version of the purchase of the now infamous wood splitter and trailer described in Plecas’s report.



Mary GriffinMary Griffin

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