Student from Claremont Secondary receives top honours at Taiwan science fair

Student from Claremont Secondary receives top honours at Taiwan science fair

Nicolas Fedrigo (left) and Natasha Burgert (right) at the Taiwan International Science Fair (Photo: Science Fair Foundation of BC)

Nicolas Fedrigo and Natasha Burgert at the Taiwan International Science Fair (Photo: Science Fair Foundation of BC)

A Saanich secondary student is coming home this week with top honours from the Taiwan International Science Fair.

Claremont grade 12 student Nicolas Fedrigo was awarded first place in the engineering category for his project called “Improving Spinal Fusions: Redesigning the Pedicle Probe to Prevent Vertebral Breaches”

Fedrigo’s project looks to help to prevent complication during spinal fusion surgery. It also received top awards at the 2018 Canada-Wide Science Fair and the European Union Contest for Young Scientists.

Surrey grade 12 Natasha Burgert from Semiahmoo Secondary is also coming home with a victory, after receiving third place in the Environmental Engineering category for her project: “The Solar EV: Applying High Efficiency Solar Modules in Sustainable Transport”

She designed, built and tested this solar vehicle to operate continuously during sunny, daylight hours.

“This marks the fifth consecutive year that both B.C. students participating in the Taiwan International Science Fair have returned home with medals,” said Madeleine Guenette, Director of Operations of the Science Fair Foundation of B.C. in a release.

“We are so pleased to support incredible students like Natasha and Nicolas and believe their recent success speaks to the strength of the BC Science Fair Program.”


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