Still no update on repairs for unsafe Langford apartment building

Still no update on repairs for unsafe Langford apartment building
WatchTenants at an unsafe Langford apartment building have been put up in hotels by the city for the past couple weeks, but the free accomodation ends tomorrow. There's still no news on when repairs will be made to the building and when they can move back in. Jasmine Bala reports.

Tenants at a Langford apartment building, which had an occupancy permit revoked by the city, still have no news on when repairs will be made to the building.

The City of Langford received a report from Canadian engineering firm WSP Global on Dec. 20 noting structural issues in Danbrook One, owned by Centurion Property Associates Inc., that are dangerous to live in. The city strongly advised tenants to move out and provided temporary hotel accommodation, funded by the city’s emergency fund.

The free hotel stay, however, ends tomorrow and tenants still don’t know when the issues will be addressed.

“We, the city and their engineers are still awaiting reports from the engineer of record to give us guidance on what, if any, modifications may be required,” wrote Centurion’s president, Greg Romundt, in a statement to CHEK News.

“At this stage, since we don’t have that report and any potential follow on recommendations, we are unable to estimate any timelines when the residents could return to their homes.”

Langford councillor and acting mayor Lillian Szpak said it’s up to Centurion on how they move forward with repairs, but the city decided to step in to help its residents by providing the free hotel stay for two weeks. She noted it’s “really difficult to keep people in hotels as everyone knows it’s very, very expensive,” but the city will continue providing as much support as they can.

“At the very end of the day, we have our emergency support services, they will always step in,” Szpak said. “People will always have a roof over their head in Langford.”

For tenants who are able to find another apartment that’s at a higher cost than what they paid at Danbrook One, the city is providing assistance.

“For up to three months, we will pay a difference of up to $1,200 on a rent differential,” Szpak said,

Jasmine BalaJasmine Bala

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