SPCA: Owners of abandoned dog face potentially serious legal consequences

SPCA: Owners of abandoned dog face potentially serious legal consequences

WATCH: On social media, thousands of CHEK News viewers have read and shared the story of the dog abandoned last week at Sooke Potholes.

She was picked up by a couple who continue to care for her.

As Mary Griffin reports, the SPCA say abandoning a pet can have serious consequences.

It’s not quite clear who’s taking who for a walk today.

The tag is wagging, and she’s ready to go.

This is a different dog than one we saw just 24 hours earlier, according to Kiara Taylor.

“Everyday is a different mood. She seems calm around us. You really can’t predict her mood.”

Since the story aired on CHEK News about this female dog found by Coltyn Wallin and Taylor, it’s been shared hundreds of times on social media sites.

Last week, the couple sat in their car at the Sooke Potholes parking lot.

They saw a silver hatchback drive into the lot, drop off a dog, then drive away.

SPCA Constable Erika Paul says the person who dropped off the dog could potentially face more than charges under the Provincial Cruelty to Animals Act.

“But also, the Criminal Code of Canada. The difference is wilful act. And certainly, taking a dog to Sooke Potholes and leaving it there is a wilful act of abandonment.”

Paul says there are options for people who no longer want to care for their pets.

This story could have had a different outcome.

“Fortunately there was somebody there. But it could have been a completely different ending for that dog.”

Wallin says he’s not surprised the story has hit such a nerve with viewers.

“Not really. Most people like dogs. So, I’m not surprised. That’s kind of why I reached out to you guys. Because I know there is a lot of people following the news.”

Wallin and Taylor hope someone sees her story today, and has some answers.

Anyone with information is asked to contact the SPCA.

Mary GriffinMary Griffin

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