South Island mornings spent socked in, but a storm is on its way

South Island mornings spent socked in, but a storm is on its way

WATCH: For the fourth day in a row, the South Island has been awakened by thick, grey fog. As Kori Sidaway tells us, it makes for a pretty picture, but a storm may be brewing, to blow it all away.

It rolls in under the cover of darkness, blanketing beaches and city streets.

“I could see out my window, it wasn’t blocking my neighbour, but it was fog,” said one Victorian.

“We get a lot of fog here in town, let’s face it,” said another passerby.

And while it’s hauntingly picturesque, it can also be problematic.

Harbour Air float planes were grounded for most mornings this week. The delays lifting only as the fog did in the afternoon.

The bad visibility also added an extra element to morning commutes on the South Island.

“Bicyclists, I think it would be even harder for them. Fog it bad like that, but unfortunately, not much you can do about it!” said one Saanich resident.

If you are making that early commute to work, police suggest what may seem obvious – keep those headlights on.

Driving in fog actually makes it seem that you are driving slower than you actually are, so check your speedometer.

But whatever you do, resist the urge to turn on your phone.

“October is our fog month, for sure,” said Environment Canada Meteorologist Armel Castellan.

For Castellan, it’s no surprise that this foggy haze is sticking around, but he does say things may be changing.

“The storms are moving in, and it will be a bit of a parade for the next few days,” said Castellan.

Finally, after what seemed to be a second hit of summer, the weather seems to be turning.

“Fall is coming, these are big fall storms, and actually, they’re a bit late. They’re about 2 or 3 weeks late in when we see these typical storms happen,” said Castellan.

So, the wind and rain will likely replace the fog for the next few days. But in the weeks ahead, hat fog could fade back in.

Kori SidawayKori Sidaway

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