Snowfall this week will be costly for some on Vancouver Island

Snowfall this week will be costly for some on Vancouver Island

WATCH: We’ve spent a lot of time measuring how much snow fell on the Island this past week. Tonight, we also wanted to count up the cost of the impact from lost workdays, school days, transportation delays and more and the impact will be particularly tough on some. Kendall Hanson reports.

The snow is an unwelcome sight for some at Nanaimo’s airport.

After a difficult week, it spells more potential delays.

Nanaimo resident Robert Newton was supposed to fly to Terrace three days ago.

“We were booked for Monday then Tuesday then Wednesday and then Thursday morning,” said Nelson. “Midnight last night, they cancelled this morning and booked us at 1:15 today.”

There have been some 30 flight cancellations this past week and many delays.

Add that to the extra cost of keeping runways, parking lots and sidewalks cleared and the total can be as much as $50,000 a day.

The airport is far from alone. Retail and restaurants could suffer as people stay away or if they were forced to close while the construction industry may also take a bit hit.

“This would be an industry where there’s going to be some significant losses,” said William Troost, the interim chair of Vancouver Island University’s Economics department.

“A lot of time with construction projects you might have the drywallers coming one day and people pouring foundation another so if you’re looking to pour a foundation on a day like today it’s probably not going to happen.”

The snow has been good news for some, from snow removal companies to hardware stores to Mount Washington Alpine Resort, but the most significant negative impacts can often be on individuals, especially parents faced with having to stay home on snow days to take care of their children.

“People who are paid on a salary might enjoy it,” said Troost. “They might get some time with their kids but if you’re an hourly employee and you can’t go to work, then that’s going to be a significant loss of income for you.”

And those lost wages may also mean more lost business down the line so, for many businesses, the end of this cold snap can’t come soon enough.

Kendall HansonKendall Hanson

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