Silver Threads Memory P.L.U.S. (Practice, Laughter, Useful Strategies)

Silver Threads Memory P.L.U.S. (Practice, Laughter, Useful Strategies)

You?ve probably heard the old adage ?use it or lose it,? and the fact is that as we age it applies not only physically, but mentally too.

But how do we stimulate our minds, and have fun doing it?  That’s where the Memory P.L.U.S. program comes in!

?Basically,? say Tracy Ryan, Executive Director of the Silver Threads Service, ?the brain is a muscle, so if you don?t lose it, you lose it, and this program actually, I think, takes things to the next level.?

The program Ryan is referring to is Memory P.L.U.S., offered by Silver Threads, which provides services for those fifty-five and older.

Silver Threads has two activity centres, explains Ryan, ?one in Saanich and one in Victoria, and we run a number of outreach programs around the community.?

The Memory P.L.U.S. program is two hours a week, giving participants tools and strategies to help with memory loss, and a chance to have a lot of fun too.

Margaret Jacobson enjoys participating in the program.

?It?s a very beneficial group interaction, and the ?P.L.U.S,? for ?Memory P.L.U.S.? is Practice, and Laughter, and Useful Strategies, and that?s what we?re doing, without even realizing that we?re doing it.?

Program Coordinator Toby Schnoor treasures leading this weekly class. ?The groups form beautiful friendships really quickly? Schnoor explains.

?We have a lot of fun! We laugh pretty much most of the time, we have fun, we do different games, and we talk about brain health, as well as doing some practical games and tricks and tips.?

Carol O?Fallon attended her first program last spring, came back in the fall, and she?s signed up again.

?I didn?t think I had any memory problems? says O?Fallon, ?so it?s time to maintain that, and learn new tricks and tips. And it?s just a wonderful two hours, and Toby is great.?

Tracy Ryan adds that ?people know that doing crossword puzzles, doing suduko, those are things that will increase your mental capacity and cognitive function.

?This program adds in a social compenent, lots of interaction, and lots of really solid facilitation.?

Click here to learn more about Silver Threads and the Memory P.L.U.S. program.

Veronica CooperVeronica Cooper

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