Show of solidarity after Donald Trump attacks Justin Trudeau on Twitter

Show of solidarity after Donald Trump attacks Justin Trudeau on Twitter

WATCH: Donald Trump’s attack on Justin Trudeau has turned into a show of solidarity not just from opposing political parties in Canada but from Americans as well. April Lawrence reports.

The fallout from the weekend G7 summit only seems to be gaining momentum as Donald Trump continued to vent on Twitter Monday morning about trade and tariffs, saying “fair trade is now to be called fool trade if it’s not reciprocal”.

And going after Justin Trudeau once again tweeting “Justin acts hurt when called out”.

The comments come on the heels of a contentious visit to Canada for the annual G7 summit. Trump first agreed to sign a joint economic pledge, then pulled out after taking off in Air Force One, calling the Canadian Prime Minister “very dishonest and weak” after Trudeau vowed to retaliate against U.S. tariffs on steel and aluminum.

“Canadians are polite, we’re reasonable, but we also will not be pushed around,” said Trudeau.

Reaction to the Trump-Trudeau dispute has been fierce on both sides. White House Trade Advisor Peter Navarro saying “There’s a special place in hell for any foreign leader that engages in bad faith diplomacy with President Donald J. Trump and then tries to stab him in the back on the way out the door.”

While on this side of the border there was a rare sign of unity in the House of Commons Monday as Members of Parliament passed an NDP motion denouncing both the trade tariffs and Trump’s personal attacks.

Even Hollywood actor Robert de Niro was weighing in.

“It’s a disgrace and Iapologize to Justin Trudeau and the other people at the G7, it’s disgusting,” he told a crowd in Toronto.

And on Twitter, the hashtag #ThanksCanada was trending with Americans thanking their neighbours to the north for everything from Nanaimo bars to hockey to caring for airline passengers during 9/11.

April LawrenceApril Lawrence

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