Sea lion ‘Señor Cinco’, blinded by bullets, moves to new Vancouver Aquarium home

Sea lion 'Señor Cinco', blinded by bullets, moves to new Vancouver Aquarium home

WATCH: Señor Cinco, discovered on Spanish Banks beach in Vancouver and blinded by gunshot wounds in May 2017, transferred from the Vancouver Aquarium Rescue Centre at the Port of Vancouver to a new home at the aquarium.

The Vancouver Aquarium welcomed the arrival of a California sea lion that was rehabilitated after being blinded by gunshot wounds in May 2017.

“Señor Cinco” was found on Spanish Banks beach in Vancouver in poor condition after being shot in the face with a small-calibre gun, which resulted in his blindness and broken teeth.

Vancouver Aquarium says he was not able to feed himself because of his injuries and was too emaciated to move.

Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) deemed Cinco non-releasable because he was unable to care for himself.

While rehabilitating at the Vancouver Aquarium Rescue Centre at the Port of Vancouver, the estimated 10-year-old seal was able to gain 140-kilograms or more than 300 pounds over 13 months.

On Wednesday, Cinco was moved to a permanent residence at the Vancouver Aquarium in the Sugar habitat, which is a larger pool for him to swim in.

Using his whiskers to help avoid obstacles, the aquarium says Cinco is getting more comfortable with his surroundings after a careful first exploration.

?His first day was spent starting to feel his way around his new habitat, but in the weeks and months to come, Cinco will begin his training, learning behaviours that will help us take care of him, and provide exercise and enrichment,? Vancouver Aquarium marine mammals curator Brian Sheehan said.

?In Cinco?s case, because he?s blind, we?ll be relying on hearing and touch rather than sight.?

Vancouver Aquarium says Señor Cinco is the first California sea lion to take up residence there.

The seal got his name because it was discovered on May 5, Cinco de Mayo, of last year.


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