Road to Recovery: Island couple finds success selling refurbished vintage and retro products online

Road to Recovery: Island couple finds success selling refurbished vintage and retro products online
WatchIn this episode of Road to Recovery with Douglas Magazine, CHEK's Kori Sidaway speaks to Oliver Thiessen and Asta Jureviciute, owners of That Funky Corner Shop, about their business.

There seems to be a shift happening away from fast fashion, towards vintage cool.

Instead of cheap fashion, a circular “cool” economy is popping that favours quality and history.

In this episode of Road to Recovery with Douglas Magazine, CHEK’s Kori Sidaway speaks to Oliver Thiessen and Asta Jureviciute, owners of That Funky Corner Shop, about their business.

Thiessen previously worked at Shopify, but with the success of That Funky Corner Shop, decided to leave his job and focus full-time on the business.

To view all previous Road to Recovery episodes, click here.

Road To Recovery is created in partnership with Douglas Magazine.



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