Road to Recovery: COVID-19 creating some opportunities for businesses, says ICET

Road to Recovery: COVID-19 creating some opportunities for businesses, says ICET
WatchIn this episode of Road to Recovery, CHEK's Joe Perkins speaks to Line Robert, chief executive officer of Island Coastal Economic Trust, about how COVID-19 has affected what the organization is doing and what kind of opportunities it has presented for businesses.

The coronavirus pandemic has impacted every organization and the Island Coastal Economic Trust or ICET as it is known is no exception.

In this episode of Road to Recovery, CHEK’s Joe Perkins speaks to Line Robert, chief executive officer of Island Coastal Economic Trust, about how COVID-19 has affected what the organization is doing and what kind of opportunities it has presented for businesses.

The segment “Road to Recovery” is done in partnership with Douglas Magazine.

For previous episodes of Road to Recovery, click here

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