Quacking the case of the missing rubber ducks in Parksville

Quacking the case of the missing rubber ducks in Parksville
WatchFolks in a Parksville neighbourhood are still trying to quack the case of a mysterious and senseless robbery. A beloved display was taken from their front yard earlier this month.

It’s a crime that has ruffled the feathers of a quiet Parksville neighbourhood.

Noel Burnham said he and his wife, Marion have learned their lesson at more than a dozen rubber ducks went missing from their front yard earlier in July.

“We’re now gun shy. We bring them in at night,” Noel said.

The Burnhams started the “lake” three years ago, and from there, built a community of more than a dozen ducks as lawn ornaments.

“It’s just grown over the years. The last few years, it started with a plane that landed on our fake lake as a source of water for the Mars bombers,” Noel said.

Over time, neighbours made contributions, according to Marion.

“The ducks have just kept adding, and adding as people have given them to us,” she said.

The couple also makes seasonal displays,  including a nativity duck display, which was in storage and therefore, not stolen.

Neighbour Nancy Horsefield said she visits the front yard on a regular basis.

“We brought our grandchildren down to see them when they came to visit from out of town.  What I love about it is it’s so whimsical. And it brings a lot of joy. Especially now during this time.”

After hearing that thieves had made off with the beloved quackers, donations began paddling in, including a pair from Accent Inns.  Marion said people want to help out.

“We’ve just had a call from somebody in town here who read the story, and said, could you use some more? And we said, yes! We’d love to, she said.

And local residents who love the ducks are donating more.

Next-door neighbour  Jim Wells thinks the missing duck caper could be even bigger.

“You know there’s a conversation going around the street that this is the great Canadian rubber duck conspiracy robbery. And we’re thinking there’s going to be a movie out on it”

If the missing ducks are returned, they’ll be added to the growing collection.

Mary GriffinMary Griffin

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