Experts suggest how to prepare for an earthquake in a pandemic

Experts suggest how to prepare for an earthquake in a pandemic
WatchAn emergency is often unexpected, just look at COVID-19. But what would happen if an earthquake hit while we're struggling to deal with a pandemic?

Scientists say earthquakes on Vancouver Island are inevitable.

“They’ve happened in the past, they’ll happen again,” said John Cassidy, an earthquake seismologist with Natural Resources Canada

There are small earthquakes happening all the time in the region.

“We have small earthquakes each and every day that are being recorded in this area,” said Cassidy.

But those earthquakes can’t be felt. Thursday’s annual ShakeOutBC is reminding British Columbians, another big one is coming.

“Earthquakes that are large enough to cause damage typically occur every decade or so, and some of the world’s largest earthquakes off of our coast centuries apart,” said Cassidy.

Preparing for an earthquake looks a bit different during a pandemic.

“Well we should have in our emergency kits, is yes the regular basic emergency materials, but we should add in some extras now because of COVID-19,” said Martin Wong, Vancouver Island commissioner with St. John Ambulance.

Paramedics are suggesting to check emergency kits for expired products, but also add things like masks, goggles, disinfectant, hand sanitizer, and soap to protect yourself against COVID-19.

Also important, now that many are working from home, is to make an emergency home plan.

“Having a plan in each room, so where do you spend time, if you’re in a home office knowing exactly where you should go when the shaking begins,” said Cassidy.

“Being aware and being prepared, we know that saves lives.”

And during an earthquake, it’s also important to know to drop, take cover, and hold on.

Kori SidawayKori Sidaway

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