Premier John Horgan completes cancer treatment

Premier John Horgan completes cancer treatment

B.C. Premier John Horgan says he is feeling better following the completion of cancer treatment.

Horgan has been undergoing treatment for cancerous growth that was discovered in his throat late last year.

In a post on social media, Horgan said his treatment is now completed following 35 radiation sessions and is feeling “better” with each passing day.

The Premier also thanked the staff at the Victoria Cancer Clinic as well as medical staff everywhere for their efforts.

“So grateful for the compassion and professionalism of the @BCCancer team and health workers across BC under incredible strain right now,” Horgan wrote on Twitter.

Horgan, 62, was diagnosed with bladder cancer when he was in his 40s. At the time of his latest cancer diagnosis, he said he expected to make a full recovery but would be stepping away from his duties in order to complete treatment. In his absence, Solicitor General Mike Farnworth was appointed Deputy Premier — a role that has remained vacant since Carole James retired in 2020.

RELATED: Horgan says growth in throat was cancerous, expects to make full recovery


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