Horgan says growth in throat was cancerous, expects to make full recovery

Horgan says growth in throat was cancerous, expects to make full recovery

B.C. Premier John Horgan has released a statement regarding his recent health, saying that the pathology confirmed the growth in his throat was cancerous.

Horgan announced last Friday that he would be undergoing surgery for a growth that was found in his throat.

The 62-year-old said last week a biopsy would determine his next steps and that Solicitor-General Mike Farnworth will serve as interim premier in the meantime.

In a statement released today, Horgan said that the surgery was successful and that he is grateful to the “amazing” healthcare workers for their support during this process.

“My prognosis is good and I expect to make a full recovery,” said Horgan in the statement. “In the next couple of weeks I will need to start radiation treatment, which will conclude toward the end of December.”

READ MORE: B.C. Premier John Horgan to undergo surgery after discovering growth in throat

In the interim, Horgan intends to participate virtually in briefings, cabinet meetings and other events such as the Council of the Federation.

The Premier says that for any in-person events, Farnworth — along with other cabinet ministers — may attend in his place.

“I would, again, like to thank everyone who sent their well wishes. Your support gives me strength and humbles me. I look forward to being back in the legislature and travelling in the new year,” adds the Premier.

The 62-year-old was diagnosed with bladder cancer when he was in his 40s and noted last week that his faith in B.C.’s health-care system gives him “complete confidence that all will be fine.”


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